searchbase is a lightweight and platform agnostic library that provides scaffolding to create search experiences powered by Elasticsearch.


Run the below command to install searchbase in your project.

yarn add @appbaseio/searchbase

To use the umd build, add the following script in your index.html file.

<script defer src=""></script>
<script defer src=""></script>

Basic Usage

You can watch this video for an intro to Searchbase and follow along to build out the example search UI.

A simple example

The following example creates a single component of type search to render the results based on the input value.

import { SearchComponent } from '@appbaseio/searchbase';

// Instantiate the `SearchComponent`
const searchComponent = new SearchComponent({
	// Elasticsearch index name
	index: 'gitxplore-app',
	// Appbase credentials
	credentials: 'a03a1cb71321:75b6603d-9456-4a5a-af6b-a487b309eb61',
	url: '',
	// Unique identifier for component
	id: 'search-component',
	// initialize with empty value
	value: '',
	// Database fields to perform the search
	dataField: ['name', 'description', '', 'fullname', 'owner', 'topics'],

// Get the input element
const searchElement = document.getElementById('search');

// Bind the searchComponent value to input value
searchElement.value = searchComponent.value;

// Update the search input value to searchComponent to fetch the results
searchElement.addEventListener('input', e => {
	// To fetch the suggestions based on the value changes

// Build DOM when search results update
	change => {
		const results =;
		const resultsElement = document.getElementById('results');
		resultsElement.innerHTML = ''; => {
			var node = document.createElement('li'); // Create a <li> node
			var resultNode = document.createTextNode(; // Create a text node
			node.appendChild(resultNode); // Append the text to <li>

// Fetch the default results at initial load

Add this in your HTML

<input placeholder="type to search" id="search" />

<div id="results"></div>

You can play around with this very basic example at here.

An example with a facet

The following example creates three components:

  • a search component to perform the search,
  • a filter component to filter the GitHub repo by languages,
  • a result component to render the results based on the select language filters and search query

The result component watches for changes to the search and language filter components (see the react property). It reacts to the inputs and filter selection changes by triggering an Elasticsearch query to update results.

The language filter component is also watching for changes to the search. For example, if somebody searches for angular then the language filter will show javascript as an option.

Note: This example is using the SearchBase class instead of the SearchComponent(that we used in the previous example) class because here we're using multiple components that can have dependencies on each other.

import { SearchBase } from '@appbaseio/searchbase';

// Instantiate the `SearchBase`
const searchbase = new SearchBase({
	// Elasticsearch index name
	index: 'gitxplore-app',
	// Appbase credentials
	credentials: 'a03a1cb71321:75b6603d-9456-4a5a-af6b-a487b309eb61',
	url: '',

// Register search component => To render the suggestions
const searchComponent = searchbase.register('search-component', {
	// pass this prop as true to enable predictive suggestions
	enablePredictiveSuggestions: true,
	dataField: ['name', 'description', 'name.raw', 'fullname', 'owner', 'topics'],

// Register filter component with dependency on search component
const filterComponent = searchbase.register('language-filter', {
	// The type property as `term` is to use the Elasticsearch terms aggregations.
	type: 'term',
	dataField: 'language.keyword',
	react: {
		and: 'search-component',

// Register result component with react dependency on search and filter component => To render the results
const resultComponent = searchbase.register('result-component', {
	dataField: 'name',
	react: {
		and: ['search-component', 'language-filter'],

/* ---------- Integrate the input element to `search-component` --------------*/
const input = document.getElementById('input');

const handleInput = e => {
	// Set the value to fetch the suggestions

input.addEventListener('input', handleInput);

/* ---------- Build the `language-filter` component ----------------------------*/

// To fetch the default options

// Build UI to display language options
	change => {
		const aggregations = change.aggregations.
		const container = document.getElementById('language-filter');
		container.innerHTML = ''; => {
			if (i._key) {
				const checkbox = document.createElement('input');
				checkbox.type = 'checkbox'; = i._key;
				checkbox.value = i._key; = i._key;
				checkbox.onclick = () => {
					const values = filterComponent.value || [];
					if (values && values.includes(i._key)) {
						values.splice(values.indexOf(i._key), 1);
					} else {
					// Set filter value and trigger custom query
					filterComponent.setValue(values, {
						triggerDefaultQuery: false,
						triggerCustomQuery: true,
				const label = document.createElement('label');
				label.htmlFor = i._key;
				label.innerHTML = `${i._key}(${i._doc_count})`;

/* ---------- Integrate the result element to `result-component` ---------------*/

const resultElement = document.getElementById('results');

// Fetch default results at initial load

// Build results UI on results updates
	change => {
		const results =;
		const items = => {
			return `
					<img src=${i.avatar} alt=${} />
		resultElement.innerHTML = items.join('<br>');

Add this in your HTML

<input placeholder="type to search" id="search" />

<div id="results"></div>

<div id="language-filter"></div>


The following demo explains the searchbase integration to build a basic search experience with a facet.