
This how-to guide shares the steps to add a pivot facet to your Search UI. We would be adding a TreeList component to the search UI.

Pre-requisite: Create a Search UI

You can follow this 👇🏻 step-by-step tutorial to build a new Search UI, incase you already don't have one.

Now that we have a Search UI, Let's begin adding a facet to it!! 🏎

Editing the code

1. Within your search UI, click on Code Editor.

2. Navigate to "constants.js" from the file explorer.

constant.js stores a JSON constant named appbasePrefs which is further processed(internally) 🪄 to generate the Search UI.

3. Paste the snippet

Within the preferences JSON, under pageSettings > pages, locate the page you intend to add the facet to.

For Example, Here I would be adding the facet to the home page.

Paste the following JSON snippet under pageSettings > pages > home > componentSettings

"TreeList_facet": {
  "enabled": true,
  "rsConfig": {
    "componentId": "TreeList_facet",
    "componentType": "TREELIST",
    "dataField": ["<!-- relevant dataField should be put here --->"],
    "filterType": "list",
    "queryFormat": "or",
    "showCheckbox": true,
    "showCount": true,
    "showMissing": false,
    "showSearch": true,
    "sortBy": "count",
    "title": "Categories"

4. Commit the code and Deploy

🎊 🙌🏻 You should see the TreeList pivot facet on the home page of the deployed search app.

Something similar 👇🏻

ui preview after adding TreeList facet

Understanding the facet config snippet

Let's take a look and try to understand the snippet we pasted to add the TreeList component

"TreeList_facet": {
  "enabled": true,
  "rsConfig": {
    "componentId": "TreeList_facet",
    "componentType": "TREELIST",
    "dataField": ["<!-- relevant dataField should be put here --->"],
    "filterType": "list",
    "queryFormat": "or",
    "showCheckbox": true,
    "showCount": true,
    "showMissing": false,
    "showSearch": true,
    "sortBy": "count",
    "title": "Categories"
  "customMessages": {
    "loading": null,
    "noResults": null
  • enabled A boolean to indicate whether the facet is enabled/ disabled.

  • rsConfig This key is responsible for storing all the component props accepted by a ReactiveSearch component. With an exception of filterType and componentType, all the other keys are props consumed by the ReactiveSearch components.

    In this how-to guide we have used the <TreeList /> component whose props definition can be explored here in detail.

    • filterType NoCode Search UIs can be incorporated with different types of facets, to categorize them we have the filterType key passed in the rsConfig JSON which is used internally by the code-logic to render the Search UI. Acceptable values are date, range, list, etc.

    • componentType This prop is used internally by the lib(ReactiveSearch) to figure out the component type of the added component. Click here to checkout all the accepted componentTypes.

      💡 Our lib takes a general approach to render components by rendering them as a ReactiveComponent(part of ReactiveSearch lib), which is a generic component to build reactive search UIs.

  • customMessages The key can be used to provide custom messages for different state of the component UI, for example

      "customMessages": {
        "loading": "Loading...", // message displayed when the results are still loading
        "noResults": "No results found" // message displayed when no results could be found

Example preview