
The How-to guide enumerates steps to programatically modify the query before hitting the backend.

Pre-requisite: Create a Search UI

You can follow this 👇🏻 step-by-step tutorial to build a new Search UI, incase you already don't have one.

Note: The tutorial uses a Search UI built on top of faceted-search template, consider using the same template to match exact steps.

The Steps

Code Snippets

Step 9: Modifying the query using transformRequest prop
const transformRequest = (props) => {
  const newBody = JSON.parse(props.body);

  newBody.query = newBody.query.map((query) => {
    if (query.id === "search" && query.type === "search") {
      if (!query.value) {
        //assign a default value
        query.value = "batman returns";
    return query;

  // eslint-disable-next-line
  props.body = JSON.stringify(newBody);

  return props;